Source code for wltp.cycles

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2019 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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"""data for all cycles and utilities to identify them"""
import functools as fnt
from typing import Iterable, Union, Tuple, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def crc_velocity(V: Iterable, crc: Union[int, str] = 0, full=False) -> str: """ Compute the CRC32(V * 10) of a 1Hz velocity trace. :param V: velocity samples, to be rounded according to :data:`wltp.invariants.v_decimals` :param crc: initial CRC value (might be a hex-string) :param full: print full 32bit number (x8 hex digits), or else, just the highest half (the 1st x4 hex digits) :return: the 16 lowest bits of the CRC32 of the trace, as hex-string 1. The velocity samples are first round to `v_decimals`; 2. the samples are then multiplied x10 to convert into integers (assuming `v_decimals` is 1); 3. the integer velocity samples are then converted into int16 little-endian bytes (eg 0xC0FE --> (0xFE, 0xC0); 4. the int16 bytes are then concatanated together, and 5. fed into ZIP's CRC32; 6. the highest 2 bytes of the CRC32 are (usually) kept, formated in hex (x4 leftmost hex-digits). """ from binascii import crc32 # it's the same as `zlib.crc32` from ..invariants import v_decimals, vround if not isinstance(V, pd.Series): V = pd.Series(V) if isinstance(crc, str): crc = int(crc, 16) V_ints = vround(V) * 10 ** v_decimals vbytes = V_ints.astype(np.int16).values.tobytes() crc = hex(crc32(vbytes, crc)).upper() crc = crc[2:] if full else crc[2:6] return crc
[docs]@fnt.lru_cache() def cycle_checksums(full=False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return a big table with cummulative and simple SUM & CRC for all class phases. :param full: CRCs contain the full 32bit number (x8 hex digits) """ import io from textwrap import dedent from pandas import IndexSlice as idx ## As printed by :func:`tests.test_instances.test_wltc_checksums()`` table_csv = dedent( """ checksum CRC32 CRC32 CRC32 CRC32 CRC32 CRC32 SUM SUM accumulation by_phase by_phase by_phase cummulative cummulative cummulative by_phase cummulative phasing V VA0 VA1 V VA0 VA1 V V class part class1 part-1 9840D3E9 4438BBA3 97DBE17C 9840D3E9 4438BBA3 97DBE17C 11988.4 11988.4 class1 part-2 8C342DB0 8C8D3B61 D9E87FE5 DCF2D584 90BEA9C 4295031D 17162.8 29151.2 class1 part-3 9840D3E9 9840D3E9 97DBE17C 6D1D7DF5 6D1D7DF5 F523E31C 11988.4 41139.6 class2 part-1 85914C5F CDD16179 8A0A7ECA 85914C5F CDD16179 8A0A7ECA 11162.2 11162.2 class2 part-2 312DBBFF 391AA607 64F1E9AA A0103D21 606EFF7B 3E77EBB8 17054.3 28216.5 class2 part-3 81CD4DA6 E29E35E8 9560F88E 28FBF6C3 926135F3 D162E0F1 24450.6 52667.1 class2 part-4 8994F1E9 8994F1E9 2181BF4D 474B3569 474B3569 F70F32D3 28869.8 81536.9 class3a part-1 48E5AA11 910CE01B 477E9884 48E5AA11 910CE01B 477E9884 11140.3 11140.3 class3a part-2 14945FDD D93BFCA7 41480D88 403DF278 24879CA6 DE5A24E1 16995.7 28136.0 class3a part-3 8B3B20BE 9887E03D 9F969596 D7708FF4 3F6732E0 2EE999C6 25646.0 53782.0 class3a part-4 F9621B4F F9621B4F 517755EB 9BCE354C 9BCE354C 2B8A32F6 29714.9 83496.9 class3b part-1 48E5AA11 910CE01B 477E9884 48E5AA11 910CE01B 477E9884 11140.3 11140.3 class3b part-2 AF1D2C10 E50188F1 FAC17E45 FBB481B5 18BDE8F0 65D3572C 17121.2 28261.5 class3b part-3 15F6364D A779B4D1 15B8365 43BC555F B997EE4D BA25436D 25782.2 54043.7 class3b part-4 F9621B4F F9621B4F 517755EB 639BD037 639BD037 D3DFD78D 29714.9 83758.6 """ ) df = pd.read_csv( io.StringIO(table_csv), sep="\t", header=[0, 1, 2], index_col=[0, 1] ) if not full: def clip_crc(sr): try: sr = sr.str[:4] except AttributeError: # AttributeError('Can only use .str accessor with string values... pass return sr df = df.groupby(level="checksum", axis=1).transform(clip_crc) return df
[docs]@fnt.lru_cache() def cycle_phases() -> pd.DataFrame: """Return a textual table with the boundaries of all phaes and cycle *phasings*""" import io from textwrap import dedent from pandas import IndexSlice as idx ## As printed by :func:`tests.test_instances.test_wltc_checksums()`` table_csv = dedent( """ class phasing part-1 part-2 part-3 part-4 class1 V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1612] class1 VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1611] class1 VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1612] class2 V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1477] [1477, 1801] class2 VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1476] [1477, 1800] class2 VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1477] [1478, 1801] class3a V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1477] [1477, 1801] class3a VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1476] [1477, 1800] class3a VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1477] [1478, 1801] class3b V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1477] [1477, 1801] class3b VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1476] [1477, 1800] class3b VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1477] [1478, 1801] """ ) return pd.read_csv( io.StringIO(table_csv), sep="\t", header=0, index_col=[0, 1] ).fillna("")
[docs]def identify_cycle_v_crc( crc: Union[int, str] ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """see :func:`identify_cycle_v()`""" if isinstance(crc, str): crc = int(crc, 16) crc = hex(crc).upper() crc = crc[2:6] crcs = cycle_checksums(full=False)["CRC32"] matches = crcs == crc if matches.any(None): ## Fetch 1st from top-left. # for col, flags in matches.iteritems(): if flags.any(): index = np.asscalar(next(iter(np.argwhere(flags)))) cycle, part = crcs.index[index] accum, phasing = col if accum == "cummulative": if index in [2, 6, 10, 14]: # is it a final cycle-part? part = None else: part = part.upper() return (cycle, part, phasing) else: assert False, ("Impossible find:", crc, crcs) return (None, None, None)
[docs]def identify_cycle_v(V: Iterable): """ Finds which cycle/part/kind matches a CRC. :param V: Any cycle or parts of it (one of Low/Medium/High/Extra Kigh phases), or concatenated subset of the above phases, but in that order. :return: a 3 tuple (class, part, kind), like this: - ``(None, None, None)``: if no match - ``(<class>, None, <phasing>)``: if it matches a full-cycle - ``(<class>, <part>, <phasing>)``: if it matches a part - ``(<class>, <PART>, <phasing>)``: (CAPITAL part) if it matches a part cummulatively where `<phasing>` is one of - ``V`` - ``A0`` (offset: 0, length: -1) - ``A1`` (offset: 1, length: -1) """ crc = crc_velocity(V) return identify_cycle_v_crc(crc)