2. Getting Involved

To provide feedback, use github’s Issue-tracker.

2.1. Development


The commands below are given for a POSIX environment (Linux & OS X). They are simple enough and easy to translate into their Windows counterparts, but it would be worthwile to install cygwin to get the same environment on Windows.

To get involved with development, first you need to download the latest sources:

$ git clone https://github.com/ankostis/wltp.git wltp
$ cd wltp

It is preferable that you work from within a virtual-environment. Assuming that you have installed virtualenv you can then type the following:

$ virtualenv -p <PATH_TO_PYTHON_3> ../wltp.venv
$ .  ../wltp.venv/bin/activate
$ python setup.py develop .

Check that the sources are in good shape by running the test-cases and check for errors:

$ python setup.py test

You can now modify the sources and rerun the tests to ensure that you didn’t break anything. If there are no problems, commit them with a usefull message. Split the functionality you want to implement in small well-defined commits, and provide test-cases. If you made a rather important modification, update also the Changes file and/or other documents. To see the rendered results of the documents, issue the following command and check the result html file at build/sphinx/html/index.html:

$ python setup.py build_sphinx

When you are finished, push the changes upstream to github and make a merge_request. You can check whether your merge-request passed the tests by checking the status of the TravisCI integration-server.


Skim through the small and excellent IPython developers document: The perfect pull request

2.2. Specs & Algorithm

This program was implemented from scratch based on this GTR specification (included in the docs/ dir). The latest version of this GTR, along with other related documents can be found at UNECE’s site:

2.2.1. Cycles


See also


2.3. Development team

  • Author:
    • Kostis Anagnostopoulos
  • Contributing Authors:
    • Heinz Steven (test-data, validation and review)
    • Georgios Fontaras (simulation, physics & engineering support)
    • Alessandro Marotta (policy support)