Source code for wltp.test.wltp_db_tests

#! python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2014 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
'''Compares the results of a batch of wltp_db vehicles against phase-1b-alpha Heinz's tool.

* Run as Test-case to generate results for sample-vehicles.
* Run it as cmd-line to compare with Heinz's results.

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

from collections import OrderedDict
import glob
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import unittest
from import skipIf

from six import string_types
from wltp import utils
from wltp.utils import memoize

import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as npt
import pandas as pd

from ..experiment import Experiment
from ..utils import FileNotFoundError
from .goodvehicle import goodVehicle

overwrite_old_results   = True # NOTE: Set 'False' to UPDATE sample-results or run main() (assuming they are ok).
force_rerun             = False

mydir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
samples_dir = 'wltp_db'
vehs_data_inp_fname = 'wltp_db_vehicles.csv'
vehs_data_out_fname = 'wltp_db_vehicles_out.csv'
gened_fname_regex = r'.*wltp_db_vehicles-(\d+).csv'
heinz_fname_regex = r'.*heinz-(\d+).csv'
gened_fname_glob = 'wltp_db_vehicles-*.csv'
trans_fname_glob = 'trans-wltp_db_vehicles-*.csv'
driver_weight = 70
"For calculating unladen_mass."
encoding = 'UTF-8'
#desc_columns_to_print = ['mean', 'std', 'min', 'max']

def _init_logging(loglevel = logging.DEBUG):
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    return log
log = _init_logging()

def _read_vehicles_inp():
    df = pd.read_csv(vehs_data_inp_fname, encoding=encoding, index_col = 0)

    return df.copy()

def _read_vehicles_out():
        df = pd.read_csv(vehs_data_out_fname, encoding=encoding, index_col = 0)
        return df
    except Exception:
        ## File corrupts if run interrupted.
        return None

    return df.copy()

def _write_vehicle_data(df):
    df = df.to_csv(vehs_data_out_fname, encoding=encoding)

def _read_wots():
    df = pd.read_csv('wot_samples.csv', encoding=encoding, index_col = None)

    return df.copy()

def _select_wot(wots, isDiesel):
    wots_labels = [ 'average Euro 6 Petrol', 'average Euro 6 Diesel']
    wots = wots[['n_norm', wots_labels[isDiesel]]]
    wots.columns = ['n_norm', 'p_norm']

    return wots

def _make_gened_fname(transplant_original_gears, veh_num):
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(vehs_data_inp_fname)
    transplant = 'trans-' if transplant_original_gears else ''
    outfname = '{}{}-{:04}{}'.format(transplant, root, veh_num, ext)

    return outfname

def _make_heinz_fname(veh_num):
    return 'heinz-{:04}.csv'.format(veh_num)

def _read_gened_file(inpfname):
    df = pd.read_csv(inpfname, header=0, index_col=0)
    assert not df.empty
    assert == 'time', \

    return df.copy()

def _read_heinz_file(veh_num):
    vehfpath = _make_heinz_fname(veh_num)
        inpfname = glob.glob(vehfpath)[0]
    except IndexError:
        raise FileNotFoundError("Skipped veh_id(%s), no file found: %s" % (veh_num, vehfpath))

    df = pd.read_csv(inpfname, encoding='UTF-8', header=0, index_col=0)
    assert not df.empty
    assert == 't',

    return df.copy()

_sources_latest_date = None
def _is_file_up_to_date(result_file, other_dependency_files = ()):

    result_fnames = [result_file, vehs_data_out_fname]
    if force_rerun or not all(os.path.exists(f) for f in result_fnames):
        return False
    results_date = max([os.path.getmtime(file) for file in result_fnames])

    if _sources_latest_date is None:
        source_fnames = [__file__, '../../', '../../', vehs_data_inp_fname]
        _sources_latest_dep_date = max([os.path.getmtime(file) for file in source_fnames])

    latest_dep_date = max([os.path.getmtime(file) for file in other_dependency_files])
    latest_dep_date = max(latest_dep_date, _sources_latest_dep_date)

    return results_date > latest_dep_date

[docs]def _file_pairs(fname_glob): """ Generates pairs of files to compare, skipping non-existent and those with mismatching #_of_rows. Example: >>> for (veh_num, df_g, df_h) in _file_pairs('wltp_db_vehicles-00*.csv') pass """ all_gened = sorted(glob.glob(fname_glob)) for g_fname in all_gened: m = re.match(gened_fname_regex, g_fname) veh_num = int(m.groups()[0]) df_g = _read_gened_file(g_fname) df_h = _read_heinz_file(veh_num) if df_g.shape[0] != df_h.shape[0]: log.warning('Class-mismatched(%s): gened(%s) !+ heinz(%s)!', g_fname, df_g.shape, df_h.shape) continue if abs(df_g.v_class.sum() - df_h.v_orig.sum()) > 1: log.warning('Cycle-mismatched(%s): gened(%s) !+ heinz(%s)!', g_fname, df_g.v_class.sum(), df_h.v_orig.sum()) continue yield (veh_num, df_g, df_h)
[docs]def vehicles_applicator(fname_glob, pair_func): """ Applies the fun onto a pair of (generated, heinz) files for each tested-vehicle in the glob and appends results to list, preffixed by veh_num. :param pair_func: signature: func(veh_no, gened_df, heinz_df)-->sequence_of_numbers :return: a dataframe with the columns returned from the pair_func, row_indexed by veh_num """ res = [] for (veh_num, df_g, df_h) in _file_pairs(fname_glob): row = pair_func(veh_num, df_g, df_h) res.append([int(veh_num)] + list(row)) assert len(res) > 0 ares = np.array(res) df = pd.DataFrame(ares[:, 1:], index=ares[:, 0]) return df
[docs]def aggregate_single_columns_means(gened_column, heinz_column): """ Runs experiments and aggregates mean-values from one column of each (gened, heinz) file-sets. """ vehdata = _run_the_experiments(transplant_original_gears=False, compare_results=False) res = vehicles_applicator(gened_fname_glob, lambda _, df_g, df_h:( df_g[gened_column].mean(), df_h[heinz_column].mean())) res.columns = ['gened', 'heinz'] vehdata = vehdata.merge(res, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True).sort() return vehdata
[docs]class WltpDbTests(unittest.TestCase): '''Compares a batch of vehicles with results obtained from "official" implementation.''' # @classmethod # def setUpClass(cls): def setUp(self): self.run_comparison = overwrite_old_results os.chdir(os.path.join(mydir, samples_dir)) #@skip def test0_runExperiment(self, plot_results=False, encoding="UTF-8"): _run_the_experiments(transplant_original_gears=False, compare_results=self.run_comparison, encoding=encoding) #@skip def test0_runExperimentTransplant(self, plot_results=False, encoding="UTF-8"): _run_the_experiments(transplant_original_gears=True, compare_results=self.run_comparison, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def test1_Downscale(self): """Check mean-downscaled-velocity diff with Heinz within some percent. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: python heinz diff_prcnt count 378.000000 378.000000 0.000000e+00 mean 45.973545 46.189082 4.688300e-01 std 1.642335 1.126555 -4.578377e+01 min 35.866421 36.659117 2.210133e+00 25% 46.506718 46.504909 -3.892020e-03 50% 46.506718 46.506504 -4.620879e-04 75% 46.506718 46.506719 4.116024e-08 max 46.506718 46.506719 4.116024e-08 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: python heinz diff_prcnt count 382.000000 382.000000 0.000000e+00 mean 44.821337 44.846671 5.652189e-02 std 5.054214 5.050208 -7.933394e-02 min 28.091672 28.388418 1.056347e+00 25% 46.506718 46.504868 -3.978244e-03 50% 46.506718 46.506478 -5.162230e-04 75% 46.506718 46.506719 4.116033e-08 max 46.506718 46.506719 4.116033e-08 """ pcrnt_limit = 0.09 res = vehicles_applicator(gened_fname_glob, lambda _, df_g, df_h: (df_g['v_target'].mean(), df_h['v'].mean())) res.columns = ['python', 'heinz'] df = res.describe() df['diff_prcnt'] = 100 * (df.heinz - df.python) / df.min(axis=1) print(df) diff_prcnt = df.loc['mean', 'diff_prcnt'] self.assertLess(np.abs(diff_prcnt), pcrnt_limit)
def _check_gear_diffs(self, fname_glob): def read_and_compare_experiment(veh_num, df_my, df_hz): ## Count base-calc errors (before dirveability). ndiff_gears_orig = np.count_nonzero(df_my['gears_orig'] != df_hz['g_max']) ## Count all errors. # my_gears = df_my['gears'] gears_hz = df_hz['gear'] diff_gears = (my_gears != gears_hz) ndiff_gears = np.count_nonzero(diff_gears) ## Count Acceleration-only errors. # accel = np.gradient(df_my['v_class']) diff_gears_accel = diff_gears[accel >= 0] ndiff_gears_accel = np.count_nonzero(diff_gears_accel) return (ndiff_gears, ndiff_gears_accel, ndiff_gears_orig) res = vehicles_applicator(fname_glob, read_and_compare_experiment) res.columns = ['diff_gears', 'diff_accel', 'diff_orig'] res_totals = res.describe() res_totals.loc['sum', :] = res.sum(axis=0) res_totals.loc['mean%', :] = 100 * res_totals.loc['mean', :] / 1800 # class3-duration return res_totals
[docs] def test2a_gear_diffs(self): """Check diff-gears with Heinz stays within some percent. ### Comparison history ### Class3b-Vehicles, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: count MEAN STD min max gears 23387 75.931818 56.921729 6 279 accell 19146 62.162338 48.831155 4 238 senza rules 16133 52.379870 35.858415 11 170 Separated test/unladen masses:: diff_gears diff_accel diff_orig count 378.000000 378.000000 378.000000 mean 104.965608 86.171958 90.235450 std 100.439783 82.613475 109.283901 min 6.000000 4.000000 11.000000 25% 36.250000 25.250000 23.000000 50% 69.000000 57.500000 51.000000 75% 142.000000 119.750000 104.750000 max 524.000000 404.000000 600.000000 sum 39677.000000 32573.000000 34109.000000 mean% 5.831423 4.787331 5.013081 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: diff_gears diff_accel diff_orig count 382.000000 382.000000 382.000000 mean 75.994764 63.633508 54.083770 std 58.290971 51.885162 38.762326 min 2.000000 2.000000 6.000000 25% 29.000000 22.000000 19.000000 50% 57.000000 48.500000 45.000000 75% 111.000000 97.000000 78.750000 max 279.000000 243.000000 173.000000 sum 29030.000000 24308.000000 20660.000000 mean% 4.221931 3.535195 3.004654 """ pcrnt_limit = 4.5 #mean%%(!) res_totals = self._check_gear_diffs(gened_fname_glob) print(res_totals) diff_prcnt = res_totals.loc['mean%', ['diff_gears', 'diff_accel']] np.testing.assert_array_less(np.abs(diff_prcnt.fillna(0)), pcrnt_limit)
[docs] def test2b_gear_diffs_transplanted(self): """Check driveability-only diff-gears with Heinz stays within some percent. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: diff_gears diff_accel diff_orig count 378.000000 378.000000 378 mean 15.566138 5.634921 0 std 16.554295 8.136700 0 min 0.000000 0.000000 0 25% 5.000000 1.000000 0 50% 11.000000 3.000000 0 75% 19.750000 7.000000 0 max 123.000000 78.000000 0 sum 5884.000000 2130.000000 0 mean% 0.864785 0.313051 0 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: diff_gears diff_accel diff_orig count 382.000000 382.000000 382 mean 12.599476 4.651832 0 std 15.375930 7.566103 0 min 0.000000 0.000000 0 25% 4.000000 0.000000 0 50% 9.000000 2.000000 0 75% 15.000000 6.000000 0 max 123.000000 78.000000 0 sum 4813.000000 1777.000000 0 mean% 0.699971 0.258435 0 """ pcrnt_limit = 0.75 # mean%(!) res_totals = self._check_gear_diffs(trans_fname_glob) print(res_totals) diff_prcnt = res_totals.loc['mean%', ['diff_gears', 'diff_accel']] np.testing.assert_array_less(np.abs(diff_prcnt.fillna(0)), pcrnt_limit)
def _check_n_mean(self, fname_glob): res = vehicles_applicator(fname_glob, lambda _, df_g, df_h: (df_g['rpm'].mean(), df_h['n'].mean())) res.columns = ['python', 'heinz'] res_totals = res.describe() res_totals['diff_prcnt'] = 100 * (res_totals.heinz - res_totals.python) / res_totals.min(axis=1) return res_totals
[docs] def test3a_n_mean(self): """Check mean-rpm diff with Heinz stays within some percent. ### Comparison history ### Class3b-Vehicles, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: mean std min max python 1766.707825 410.762478 1135.458463 3217.428423 heinz 1759.851498 397.343498 1185.905053 3171.826208 diff_prcnt -0.3896 -3.3772 4.4428 -1.4377 Separated test/unladen masses:: python heinz diff_prcnt count 378.000000 378.000000 0.000000 mean 1923.908119 1899.366431 -1.292099 std 628.998854 593.126296 -6.048047 min 1135.458463 1185.905053 4.442839 25% 1497.544940 1495.699889 -0.123357 50% 1740.927971 1752.668517 0.674384 75% 2121.459309 2111.876041 -0.453780 max 4965.206982 4897.154914 -1.389625 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: python heinz diff_prcnt count 382.000000 382.000000 0.000000 mean 1835.393402 1827.572965 -0.427914 std 476.687485 464.264779 -2.675781 min 1135.458463 1185.905053 4.442839 25% 1486.886555 1482.789006 -0.276341 50% 1731.983662 1739.781233 0.450210 75% 2024.534101 2018.716963 -0.288160 max 3741.849187 3750.927263 0.242609 """ pcrnt_limit = 0.5 res_totals = self._check_n_mean(gened_fname_glob) print(res_totals) diff_prcnt = res_totals.loc['mean', 'diff_prcnt'] self.assertLess(np.abs(diff_prcnt), pcrnt_limit)
[docs] def test3b_n_mean_transplanted(self): """Check driveability-only mean-rpm diff with Heinz stays within some percent. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: python heinz diff_prcnt count 378.000000 378.000000 0.000000 mean 1880.045112 1899.366431 1.027705 std 572.842493 593.126296 3.540904 min 1150.940393 1185.905053 3.037921 25% 1477.913404 1495.699889 1.203486 50% 1739.882957 1752.668517 0.734852 75% 2073.715015 2111.876041 1.840225 max 4647.136063 4897.154914 5.380063 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: python heinz diff_prcnt count 382.000000 382.000000 0.000000 mean 1818.519842 1827.572965 0.497829 std 469.276397 464.264779 -1.079474 min 1150.940393 1185.905053 3.037921 25% 1467.153958 1482.789006 1.065672 50% 1730.051632 1739.781233 0.562388 75% 2010.264758 2018.716963 0.420452 max 3704.999890 3750.927263 1.239605 """ pcrnt_limit = 0.55 res_totals = self._check_n_mean(trans_fname_glob) print(res_totals) diff_prcnt = res_totals.loc['mean', 'diff_prcnt'] self.assertLess(np.abs(diff_prcnt), pcrnt_limit)
def _check_n_mean__pmr(self, fname_glob): vehdata = _read_vehicles_inp() vehdata['pmr'] = 1000.0 * vehdata['rated_power'] / vehdata['kerb_mass'] np.testing.assert_allclose(vehdata.pmr_km, vehdata.pmr) res = vehicles_applicator(fname_glob, lambda _, df_g, df_h: (df_g['rpm'].mean(), df_h['n'].mean())) res.columns=['gened_mean_rpm', 'heinz_mean_rpm'] vehdata = vehdata.merge(res, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True).sort() self.assertEqual(vehdata.shape[0], res.shape[0]) df = vehdata.sort('pmr')[['gened_mean_rpm', 'heinz_mean_rpm']] dfg = df.groupby(pd.cut(vehdata.pmr, 12), ) pmr_histogram = dfg.mean() dif = (pmr_histogram['heinz_mean_rpm'] - pmr_histogram['gened_mean_rpm']) / pmr_histogram.min(axis=1) pmr_histogram['diff_prcnt']= 100 * dif pmr_histogram['count']= dfg.count().iloc[:, -1] return pmr_histogram @skipIf(utils.is_travis(), 'GroupBy probably fails in old pandas, and cannot upgrade it.')
[docs] def test4a_n_mean__PMR(self): """Check mean-rpm diff with Heinz stays within some percent for all PMRs. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_ratio count pmr (9.973, 24.823] 1566.018469 1568.360963 0.001496 32 (24.823, 39.496] 1701.176128 1702.739797 0.000919 32 (39.496, 54.17] 1731.541637 1724.959671 -0.003816 106 (54.17, 68.843] 1894.477475 1877.786294 -0.008889 61 (68.843, 83.517] 1828.518522 1818.720627 -0.005387 40 (83.517, 98.191] 1824.060716 1830.482140 0.003520 3 (98.191, 112.864] 1794.673461 1792.693611 -0.001104 31 (112.864, 127.538] 3217.428423 3171.826208 -0.014377 1 (127.538, 142.211] 1627.952896 1597.571904 -0.019017 1 (142.211, 156.885] NaN NaN NaN 0 (156.885, 171.558] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.558, 186.232] 1396.061758 1385.176569 -0.007858 1 Separated test/unladen masses:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (11.504, 26.225] 1579.612698 1585.721306 0.386716 28 (26.225, 40.771] 1706.865069 1700.689983 -0.363093 41 (40.771, 55.317] 1866.150857 1841.779091 -1.323273 119 (55.317, 69.863] 2122.662626 2085.262950 -1.793523 122 (69.863, 84.409] 2228.282795 2171.952804 -2.593518 29 (84.409, 98.955] 1783.316413 1787.378401 0.227777 4 (98.955, 113.501] 1718.157828 1718.516147 0.020855 31 (113.501, 128.0475] 2005.415058 1954.763742 -2.591173 2 (128.0475, 142.594] 1566.601860 1553.383676 -0.850928 1 (142.594, 157.14] NaN NaN NaN 0 (157.14, 171.686] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.686, 186.232] 1396.061758 1385.176569 -0.785834 1 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (9.973, 24.823] 1560.010258 1563.836656 0.245280 33 (24.823, 39.496] 1725.209986 1725.004638 -0.011904 34 (39.496, 54.17] 1737.811065 1730.770088 -0.406812 123 (54.17, 68.843] 1996.999520 1983.753219 -0.667739 94 (68.843, 83.517] 2051.088434 2034.594136 -0.810692 59 (83.517, 98.191] 1964.832555 1958.081066 -0.344801 4 (98.191, 112.864] 1682.122484 1684.443875 0.138004 31 (112.864, 127.538] 2718.877009 2687.055802 -1.184241 2 (127.538, 142.211] 1660.925042 1668.155469 0.435325 1 (142.211, 156.885] NaN NaN NaN 0 (156.885, 171.558] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.558, 186.232] 1396.061758 1385.176569 -0.785834 1 Mean: 0.419219429398 pandas 0.15.1:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (9.973, 24.823] 2037.027221 2038.842442 0.089111 33 (24.823, 39.496] 2257.302959 2229.999526 -1.224369 34 (39.496, 54.17] 1912.075914 1885.792807 -1.393743 123 (54.17, 68.843] 1716.720028 1717.808457 0.063402 94 (68.843, 83.517] 1677.882399 1683.916224 0.359610 59 (83.517, 98.191] 1535.881170 1551.609661 1.024070 4 (98.191, 112.864] 1571.290286 1589.997331 1.190553 31 (112.864, 127.538] 1409.308426 1425.965019 1.181898 2 (127.538, 142.211] 1975.481368 1967.808440 -0.389923 1 (142.211, 156.885] NaN NaN NaN 0 (156.885, 171.558] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.558, 186.232] 1950.377512 1937.426430 -0.668468 1 Mean diff_prcnt: 0.632095580562 """ pcrnt_limit = 0.7 pmr_histogram = self._check_n_mean__pmr(gened_fname_glob) print (pmr_histogram) diff_prcnt = pmr_histogram['diff_prcnt'].fillna(0).abs().mean() print ('Mean diff_prcnt: %s'%diff_prcnt) self.assertLess(diff_prcnt, pcrnt_limit)
@skipIf(utils.is_travis(), 'GroupBy probably fails in old pandas, and cannot upgrade it.')
[docs] def test4b_n_mean__PMR_transplanted(self): """Check driveability-only mean-rpm diff with Heinz stays within some percent for all PMRs. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (9.973, 24.823] 1557.225037 1568.360963 0.715113 32 (24.823, 39.496] 1686.859826 1696.482640 0.570457 34 (39.496, 54.17] 1771.670097 1789.409819 1.001299 120 (54.17, 68.843] 2133.400050 2165.214662 1.491263 94 (68.843, 83.517] 2020.903728 2043.741660 1.130085 59 (83.517, 98.191] 1886.836446 1890.040533 0.169813 4 (98.191, 112.864] 1788.434592 1792.693611 0.238142 31 (112.864, 127.538] 2580.884314 2568.011660 -0.501269 2 (127.538, 142.211] 1581.625191 1597.571904 1.008249 1 (142.211, 156.885] NaN NaN NaN 0 (156.885, 171.558] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.558, 186.232] 1367.068837 1385.176569 1.324566 1 Separated test/unladen masses:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (11.504, 26.225] 1572.733597 1585.721306 0.825805 28 (26.225, 40.771] 1690.081663 1700.689983 0.627681 41 (40.771, 55.317] 1821.319706 1841.779091 1.123327 119 (55.317, 69.863] 2060.507029 2085.262950 1.201448 122 (69.863, 84.409] 2142.964427 2171.952804 1.352723 29 (84.409, 98.955] 1783.214173 1787.378401 0.233524 4 (98.955, 113.501] 1713.473617 1718.516147 0.294287 31 (113.501, 128.0475] 1950.373771 1954.763742 0.225084 2 (128.0475, 142.594] 1543.937285 1553.383676 0.611838 1 (142.594, 157.14] NaN NaN NaN 0 (157.14, 171.686] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.686, 186.232] 1367.068837 1385.176569 1.324566 1 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (9.973, 24.823] 1551.901645 1563.836656 0.769057 33 (24.823, 39.496] 1713.382835 1725.004638 0.678296 34 (39.496, 54.17] 1722.174466 1730.770088 0.499114 123 (54.17, 68.843] 1974.768859 1983.753219 0.454958 94 (68.843, 83.517] 2026.630271 2034.594136 0.392961 59 (83.517, 98.191] 1954.817179 1958.081066 0.166966 4 (98.191, 112.864] 1676.678357 1684.443875 0.463149 31 (112.864, 127.538] 2678.973439 2687.055802 0.301696 2 (127.538, 142.211] 1658.577318 1668.155469 0.577492 1 (142.211, 156.885] NaN NaN NaN 0 (156.885, 171.558] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.558, 186.232] 1367.068837 1385.176569 1.324566 1 Mean diff_prcnt: 0.469021296461 pandas 0.15.1:: gened_mean_rpm heinz_mean_rpm diff_prcnt count pmr (9.973, 24.823] 2021.882193 2038.842442 0.838835 33 (24.823, 39.496] 2204.136804 2229.999526 1.173372 34 (39.496, 54.17] 1880.733341 1885.792807 0.269016 123 (54.17, 68.843] 1710.819917 1717.808457 0.408491 94 (68.843, 83.517] 1677.846860 1683.916224 0.361735 59 (83.517, 98.191] 1541.587174 1551.609661 0.650141 4 (98.191, 112.864] 1579.049392 1589.997331 0.693325 31 (112.864, 127.538] 1411.921405 1425.965019 0.994646 2 (127.538, 142.211] 1976.193317 1967.808440 -0.426102 1 (142.211, 156.885] NaN NaN NaN 0 (156.885, 171.558] NaN NaN NaN 0 (171.558, 186.232] 1954.662077 1937.426430 -0.889616 1 Mean diff_prcnt: 0.558773102894 """ pcrnt_limit = 0.6 pmr_histogram = self._check_n_mean__pmr(trans_fname_glob) print (pmr_histogram) diff_prcnt = pmr_histogram['diff_prcnt'].fillna(0).abs().mean() print ('Mean diff_prcnt: %s'%diff_prcnt) self.assertLess(diff_prcnt, pcrnt_limit)
def _check_n_mean__gear(self, fname_glob): def avg_by_column(group_column, aggregate_column, df): sr = df.groupby(group_column)[aggregate_column].describe() ## Ensure 6-gears for all vehicles # index = [range(7), ['mean', 'std', 'min', 'max']] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(index, names=['gear', 'aggregate']) sr = sr.reindex(index) return sr vehdata = OrderedDict() for (veh_num, df_g, df_h) in _file_pairs(fname_glob): df = pd.concat((avg_by_column('gears', 'rpm', df_g), avg_by_column('gear', 'n', df_h)), axis=1) df.columns = ['python', 'heinz'] df['diff%'] = 100 * (df.python - df.heinz) / df.iloc[:, :2].abs().min(axis=1) vehdata[veh_num] = df vehdata = pd.Panel(vehdata).to_frame(filter_observations=False) diff_prcnt_by_gears = vehdata.xs('mean', level=1).mean(axis=1) diff_prcnt_by_gears = pd.DataFrame(diff_prcnt_by_gears).unstack() = 'diff_prcnt_by_gears' diff_prcnt_by_gears = diff_prcnt_by_gears[0] = 'n_mean' return diff_prcnt_by_gears
[docs] def test5a_n_mean__gear(self): """Check mean-rpm diff% with Heinz stays within some percent for all gears. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: n_mean python heinz diff% gear 0 732.358286 804.656085 -9.925769 1 870.080494 1177.547512 -44.450903 2 1789.787609 1650.383967 6.520319 3 1921.271483 1761.172027 7.804359 4 1990.286402 1886.563262 5.401895 5 2138.445024 2112.552162 1.892950 6 2030.970322 1987.865039 2.228276 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: gear 0 735.143823 808.795812 -10.052865 1 799.834530 1139.979330 -47.027383 2 1598.773915 1582.431975 1.119054 3 1793.617644 1691.589756 5.768020 4 1883.863510 1796.957457 5.024360 5 2095.211754 2052.059948 2.430360 6 2033.663975 1990.344346 2.238421 """ pcrnt_limit = 48 histogram = self._check_n_mean__gear(gened_fname_glob) print (histogram) diff_prcnt = histogram['diff%'] np.testing.assert_array_less(np.abs(diff_prcnt.fillna(0)), pcrnt_limit)
[docs] def test5b_n_mean__gear_transplanted(self): """Check mean-rpm diff% with Heinz stays within some percent for all gears. ### Comparison history ### Force class3b, Phase-1b-beta(ver <= 0.0.8, Aug-2014) with Heinz maxt gear-time=2sec:: n_mean python heinz diff% gear 0 732.357001 804.656085 -9.926855 1 966.022039 1177.547512 -24.409425 2 1678.578373 1650.383967 1.616768 3 1791.644768 1761.172027 1.700642 4 1883.504933 1886.563262 0.119165 5 2099.218160 2112.552162 -0.320293 6 1985.732086 1987.865039 -0.096754 Not forcing class3b, honoring declared v_max & unladen_mass:: n_mean python heinz diff% gear 0 735.077116 808.795812 -10.065886 1 932.586982 1139.979330 -24.285307 2 1606.040896 1582.431975 1.379144 3 1721.141364 1691.589756 1.686708 4 1803.212699 1796.957457 0.370703 5 2053.822313 2052.059948 0.142138 6 1988.195381 1990.344346 -0.097482 """ pcrnt_limit = 25 histogram = self._check_n_mean__gear(trans_fname_glob) print (histogram) diff_prcnt = histogram['diff%'] np.testing.assert_array_less(np.abs(diff_prcnt.fillna(0)), pcrnt_limit)
################### # RUN EXPERIMENTS # ################### def _run_the_experiments(transplant_original_gears=False, plot_results=False, compare_results=False, encoding="UTF-8"): ## If file existent, it contains also calculated fields # from the previous experiment run. # out_df = _read_vehicles_out() inp_df = _read_vehicles_inp() ## Reconstruct the columns only presetn in the out_df. # inp_df['pmr'] = np.NAN inp_df['wltc_class'] = '' inp_df['f_downscale'] = np.NAN wots = _read_wots() failed_vehicles = 0 for (ix, row) in inp_df.iterrows(): veh_num = ix heinz_fname = _make_heinz_fname(veh_num) outfname = _make_gened_fname(transplant_original_gears, veh_num) if not out_df is None and _is_file_up_to_date(outfname, [heinz_fname]): inp_df.loc[ix] = out_df.loc[ix] continue model = goodVehicle() veh = model['vehicle'] veh['test_mass'] = row['test_mass'] veh['unladen_mass'] = row['kerb_mass'] veh['resistance_coeffs'] = list(row['f0_real':'f2_real']) veh['p_rated'] = row['rated_power'] veh['n_rated'] = row['rated_speed'] veh['n_idle'] = int(row['idling_speed']) veh['v_max'] = row['v_max'] ngears = int(row['no_of_gears']) veh['gear_ratios'] = list(row['ndv_1':'ndv_%s'%ngears]) #'ndv_1' veh['full_load_curve'] = _select_wot(wots, row['IDcat'] == 2) if (transplant_original_gears): log.warning(">>> Transplanting gears from Heinz's!") df_h = _read_heinz_file(veh_num) model['cycle_run'] = {'gears_orig': df_h['g_max'].values} try: experiment = Experiment(model) model = except Exception as ex: log.warning('VEHICLE_FAILED(%s): %s', veh_num, str(ex)) failed_vehicles += 1 continue else: params = model['params'] veh = model['vehicle'] inp_df.loc[ix, 'pmr'] = veh['pmr'] inp_df.loc[ix, 'wltc_class'] = veh['wltc_class'] inp_df.loc[ix, 'f_downscale'] = params['f_downscale'] # ankostis_mdb: 't', "v in km/h","v_orig","a in m/s²","gear","g_min","g_max","gear_modification","error_description" # heinz: 't', 'km_h', 'stg', 'gear' cycle_df = pd.DataFrame(model['cycle_run']) _compare_exp_results(cycle_df, outfname, compare_results) cycle_df.to_csv(outfname, index_label='time') fail_limit_prcnt = 0.1 assert failed_vehicles < fail_limit_prcnt * inp_df.shape[0], \ 'TOO MANY(>%f) vehicles have Failed(%i out of %i)!'% (fail_limit_prcnt, failed_vehicles, inp_df.shape[0]) if not transplant_original_gears: _write_vehicle_data(inp_df) return inp_df # vehfpath = os.path.join(samples_dir, 'heinz_Petrol_veh{:05}.dri'.format(veh_num)) # inpfname = glob.glob(vehfpath)[0] # out_df = pd.read_csv(inpfname, encoding='latin-1') ################### # COMPARE RESULTS # ################### def _compare_exp_results(tabular, outfname, run_comparison): if (run_comparison): try: data_prev = _read_gened_file(outfname) ## Compare changed-tabular # npt.assert_array_equal(tabular['gears'], data_prev['gears'], outfname) # Unreached code in case of assertion. # cmp = tabular['gears'] != data_prev['gears'] # if (cmp.any()): # self._plotResults(data_prev) # print('>> COMPARING(%s): %s'%(fname, cmp.nonzero())) # else: # print('>> COMPARING(%s): OK'%fname) except FileNotFoundError: print('>> COMPARING(%s): No old-tabular found, 1st time to run' % outfname) run_comparison = False ## TODO: Move into wltp/plots # def _plotResults(veh_fname, df_g, df_h, res, ax, plot_diffs_gears_only=True, plot_original_gears = False): if (plot_original_gears): my_gear_col = 'gears_orig' hz_gear_col = 'g_max' else: my_gear_col = 'gears' hz_gear_col = 'gear' ax.grid(True) ax2 = ax.twinx() tlen = len(df_g.index) #ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0.0, tlen, 50.0)) NO! looses auto when zooming. clutch = df_g['clutch'] clutch = clutch.nonzero()[0] ax.vlines(clutch, 0, 0.2) ## Add pickers on driveability lines showing the specific msg. # driveability = df_g['driveability'] driveability_true = driveability.apply(lambda s: isinstance(s, string_types)) lines = ax2.vlines(driveability_true.nonzero()[0], 2, 4, 'c', picker=5) lines.set_urls(driveability[driveability_true]) v_max = df_g['v_class'].max() ax.hlines(1 / v_max, 0, tlen, color="0.75") ax.plot(df_g['v_class'] / v_max) ax.plot(df_g['v_target'] / v_max, '-.') # ax.plot(df_g['rpm'] / df_g['rpm'].max()) # p_req = df_g['p_required'] / df_g['p_required'].max() # p_req[p_req < 0] = 0 # ax.plot(p_req) ## Plot gear diffs. # my_gears = df_g[my_gear_col] hz_v_real = df_h['v'] hz_v_target = df_h['v_downscale'] hz_gears = df_h[hz_gear_col] orig_gears = df_g['gears_orig'] if plot_diffs_gears_only: diff_gears = my_gears != hz_gears difft = diff_gears.nonzero()[0] difft = set().union(difft, difft+1, difft+2, difft+3, difft+4, difft+5, difft+6, difft-1, difft-2, difft-3, difft-4, difft-5, difft-6, ) difft = list(difft) my_gears = my_gears[difft] hz_gears = hz_gears[difft] ax2.plot(difft, my_gears.tolist(), 'o', color='red') ax2.plot(difft, orig_gears[difft].tolist(), 'v', color='green') ax2.plot(difft, hz_gears.tolist(), '*', color='blue') else: ax2.plot(my_gears.tolist(), 'o', color='red') ax2.plot(hz_gears.tolist(), '*', color='blue') ax.plot(df_g['v_real'] / v_max) ## Add pickers on driveability lines showing the specific msg. # hz_driveability = df_h['gear_modification'] hz_driveability_true = ~hz_driveability.apply(np.isreal) lines = ax2.vlines(hz_driveability_true.nonzero()[0], 0, 2, 'm', picker=5) lines.set_urls(hz_driveability[hz_driveability_true]) ax.plot(hz_v_target / v_max, '--') ax.plot(hz_v_real / v_max, ':') ax.text(0.7, 0, 'Diffs: %.4f' % res, transform=ax.transAxes, bbox={'facecolor':'red', 'alpha':0.5, 'pad':10}) def plot_diffs_with_heinz(diff_results, res, transplant_original_gears=False): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def fig_onpick(event): pickline = event.artist urls = pickline.get_urls() rule = urls.iloc[event.ind] print(rule) text_infos.set_text('Rule: %s' % rule) fig.canvas.draw() fig = plt.figure() text_infos = fig.text(0.5, 0.5, '', transform=fig.transFigure, bbox={'facecolor':'grey', 'alpha':0.4, 'pad':10}, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', color='blue') fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', fig_onpick) orig = 'Driveability' if transplant_original_gears else 'Pre-Driveability' fig.suptitle('%s: ±DIFFs: count(%i), min(%i), MEAN(%.2f±%.2f), max(%i).' % (orig, res[0].sum(), res[0].min(), res[0].mean(), res[0].std(), res[0].max())) ## NOTE: Limit subplots to facilitate research. # # i_to_plot = paths # i_to_plot = paths[0:9] # i_to_plot = paths[5:6] + paths[7:9] + paths[14:16] + paths[23:24] i_to_plot = range[5:8] + range[17:18] + range[22:24] ## Decide subplot-grid dimensions. # npaths_to_plot = len(i_to_plot) w = math.ceil(math.sqrt(npaths_to_plot)) h = w-1 if ((w-1) * w >= npaths_to_plot) else w nplotted = 0 for (i, diff) in enumerate(diff_results): (inpfname, df_my, df_hz, ndiff_gears, ndiff_gears_accel, ndiff_gears_orig) = diff if (i in i_to_plot): nplotted += 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(w, h, nplotted) veh_name = os.path.basename(inpfname) ax.set_title('%i: %s'%(i, veh_name), fontdict={'fontsize': 8} ) _plotResults(veh_name, df_my, df_hz, ndiff_gears, ax, plot_original_gears = not transplant_original_gears) fig.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()