Source code for wltp.experiment

#! python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2014 European Commission (JRC);
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
'''The core that accepts a vehicle-model and wltc-classes, runs the simulation and updates the model with results (downscaled velocity & gears-profile).

.. Attention:: The documentation of this core module has several issues and needs work.

* ALL_CAPITAL variables denote *vectors* over the velocity-profile (the cycle),
* ALL_CAPITAL starting with underscore (`_`) denote *matrices* (gears x time).

For instance, GEARS is like that::

    [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, ... 1, 0, 0]
     <----   cycle time-steps   ---->

and _GEARS is like that::

     t:||: 0  1  2  3
    g1:|[[ 1, 1, 1, 1, ... 1, 1
    g2:|   2, 2, 2, 2, ... 2, 2
    g3:|   3, 3, 3, 3, ... 3, 3
    g4:|   4, 4, 4, 4, ... 4, 4 ]]

Major vectors & matrices

V:        floats (#cycle_steps)
    The wltp-class velocity profile.

_GEARS:    integers (#gears X #cycle_steps)
    One row for each gear (starting with 1 to #gears).

_N_GEARS:  floats (#gears X #cycle_steps)
    One row per gear with the Engine-revolutions required to follow the V-profile (unfeasable revs included),
    produced by multiplying ``V * gear-rations``.

_GEARS_YES:  boolean (#gears X #cycle_steps)
    One row per gear having ``True`` wherever gear is possible for each step.

.. Seealso:: :mod:`model` for in/out schemas

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import logging
import re
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import model

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _shapes(*arrays):
    import operator
    op_shape = operator.attrgetter('shape')
    return list(map(op_shape, arrays))

def _dtypes(*arrays):
    import operator
    op_shape = operator.attrgetter('dtype')
    return list(map(op_shape, arrays))

[docs]class Experiment(object): '''Runs the vehicle and cycle data describing a WLTC experiment. See :mod:`wltp.experiment` for documentation. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, model, skip_model_validation=False, validate_wltc_data=False): """ :param model: trees (formed by dicts & lists) holding the experiment data. :param skip_model_validation: when true, does not validate the model. """ self.dtype = np.float64 self._set_model(model, skip_validation=skip_model_validation, validate_wltc_data=validate_wltc_data) self.wltc = self._model['params']['wltc_data']
[docs] def run(self): '''Invokes the main-calculations and extracts/update Model values! @see: Annex 2, p 70 ''' model = self._model vehicle = model['vehicle'] params = model['params'] ## Prepare results # results = model.get('cycle_run') if results is None: results = pd.DataFrame() else: results = pd.DataFrame(results)'Found forced `cycle-run` table(%ix%i).', results.shape[0], results.shape[1]) model['cycle_run'] = results ## Ensure Time-steps start from 0 (not 1!). # results.reset_index()'t' ## Extract vehicle attributes from model. # test_mass = vehicle['test_mass'] unladen_mass = vehicle.get('unladen_mass') or test_mass - params['driver_mass'] p_rated = vehicle['p_rated'] n_rated = vehicle['n_rated'] n_idle = vehicle['n_idle'] n_min_drive = vehicle['n_min'] v_max = vehicle['v_max'] gear_ratios = vehicle['gear_ratios'] res_coeffs = vehicle.get('resistance_coeffs') if res_coeffs: (f0, f1, f2) = res_coeffs else: (f0, f1, f2) = calc_default_resistance_coeffs(test_mass, params['resistance_coeffs_regression_curves']) if (v_max is None): v_max = n_rated / gear_ratios[-1] is_velocity_forced = any(col in results for col in ('v_class', 'v_target')) if (is_velocity_forced): forced_v_column = 'v_class' if 'v_class' in results else 'v_target'"Found forced velocity(%s).", forced_v_column) V = results[forced_v_column].values SLOPE = results.get('slope') if not SLOPE is None: SLOPE = np.asarray(SLOPE) results['v_class'] = V results['v_target'] = V else: ## Decide WLTC-class. # wltc_class = vehicle.get('wltc_class') if wltc_class is None: p_m_ratio = (1000 * p_rated / unladen_mass) vehicle['pmr'] = p_m_ratio wltc_class = decideClass(self.wltc, p_m_ratio, v_max) vehicle['wltc_class'] = wltc_class else:'Found forced wltc_class(%s).', wltc_class) class_data = self.wltc['classes'][wltc_class] V = np.asarray(class_data['cycle'], dtype=self.dtype) SLOPE = None results['v_class'] = V ## NOTE: Improved Acceleration calc on central-values with gradient. # The pure_load 2nd-part of the P_REQ from start-to-stop is 0, as it should. # #A = np.gradient(V) ## TODO: Enable gradient acceleration-calculation. A = np.diff(V); A = np.append(A, 0) # Restore element lost by diff(). A = A / 3.6 ## Required-Power needed early-on by Downscaling. # f_inertial = params.get('f_inertial', 1.1) P_REQ = calcPower_required(V, A, SLOPE, test_mass, f0, f1, f2, f_inertial) if (not is_velocity_forced): ## Downscale velocity-profile. # f_downscale = params.get('f_downscale') if not f_downscale: f_downscale_threshold = params.get('f_downscale_threshold', 0.01) dsc_data = class_data['downscale'] phases = dsc_data['phases'] p_max_values = dsc_data['p_max_values'] downsc_coeffs = dsc_data['factor_coeffs'] dsc_v_split = dsc_data.get('v_max_split', None) f_downscale = calcDownscaleFactor(P_REQ, p_max_values, downsc_coeffs, dsc_v_split, p_rated, v_max, f_downscale_threshold ) params['f_downscale'] = f_downscale if (f_downscale > 0): V = downscaleCycle(V, f_downscale, phases) results['v_target'] = V ## Run cycle to find internal matrices for all gears # and (optionally) gearshifts. # load_curve = vehicle['full_load_curve'] (GEARS_ORIG, CLUTCH, _GEAR_RATIOS, _N_GEARS, _P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS, driveability_issues) = run_cycle(V, A, P_REQ, gear_ratios, n_idle, n_min_drive, n_rated, p_rated, load_curve, params) results['clutch'] = CLUTCH # TODO: Allow overridde clutch, etc. if ('gears_orig' in results): forced_gears = results['gears_orig'].values'Found forced gears(x%i).', forced_gears.size) if (GEARS_ORIG.max() != len(gear_ratios)): raise ValueError('Forced gears(%s) specify gears(%i) > num_of_gears(%i)'%(forced_gears.shape, GEARS_ORIG.max(), len(gear_ratios))) GEARS_ORIG = forced_gears else: results['gears_orig'] = GEARS_ORIG ## Apply Driveability-rules. # GEARS = GEARS_ORIG.copy() applyDriveabilityRules(V, A, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues) ## Calculate Real quantities. # P_AVAIL = _P_AVAILS[GEARS - 1, range(len(V))] N_NORM = _N_NORMS[GEARS - 1, range(len(V))] RPM = _N_GEARS[GEARS - 1, range(len(V))] V_REAL = RPM / _GEAR_RATIOS[GEARS - 1, range(len(V))] results['gears'] = GEARS results['v_real'] = V_REAL results['p_available'] = P_AVAIL results['p_required'] = P_REQ results['rpm'] = RPM results['rpm_norm'] = N_NORM results['driveability'] = driveability_issues return model
####################### ## MODEL ## ####################### @property def model(self): return self._model def _set_model(self, mdl, skip_validation=False, validate_wltc_data=False): from wltp.model import _get_model_base, merge merged_model = _get_model_base() merge(merged_model, mdl) if not skip_validation: model.validate_model(merged_model, validate_wltc_data=validate_wltc_data) self._model = merged_model def driveability_report(self): cycle = self._model.get('cycle_run') if (not cycle is None): issues = [] drv = cycle['driveability'] pt = -1 for t in drv.nonzero()[0]: if (pt+1 < t): issues += ['...'] issues += ['{:>4}: {}'.format(t, drv[t])] pt = t return '\n'.join(issues) return None
####################### ## PURE CALCULATIONS ## ## Separate for ## ## testability! ## ####################### # resistance_coeffs_regression_curves def calc_default_resistance_coeffs(test_mass, regression_curves): a = regression_curves f0 = a[0][0] * test_mass + a[0][1] f1 = a[1][0] * test_mass + a[1][1] f2 = a[2][0] * test_mass + a[2][1] return (f0, f1, f2) def addDriveabilityMessage(time_step, msg, driveability_issues): old = driveability_issues[time_step] driveability_issues[time_step] = old + msg def addDriveabilityProblems(_GEARS_BAD, reason, driveability_issues): failed_steps = _GEARS_BAD.nonzero()[0] if (failed_steps.size != 0):'%i %s: %s', failed_steps.size, reason, failed_steps) for step in failed_steps: addDriveabilityMessage(step, reason, driveability_issues)
[docs]def decideClass(wltc_data, p_m_ratio, v_max): ''' @see: Annex 1, p 19 ''' class_limits = {cl: (cd['pmr_limits'], cd.get('velocity_limits')) for (cl, cd) in wltc_data['classes'].items()} for (cls, ((pmr_low, pmr_high), v_limits)) in class_limits.items(): if pmr_low < p_m_ratio <= pmr_high and \ (not v_limits or v_limits[0] <= v_max < v_limits[1]): wltc_class = cls break else: raise ValueError("Cannot determine wltp-class for PMR(%s)!\n Class-limits(%s)" %(p_m_ratio, class_limits)) return wltc_class
[docs]def calcDownscaleFactor(P_REQ, p_max_values, downsc_coeffs, dsc_v_split, p_rated, v_max, f_downscale_threshold): '''Check if downscaling required, and apply it. :return: (float) the factor @see: Annex 1-7, p 68 ''' ## Max required power # p_req_max = P_REQ[p_max_values[0]] r_max = (p_req_max / p_rated) ## Cycle r0 # if dsc_v_split is not None: assert len(downsc_coeffs) == 2, downsc_coeffs downsc_coeffs = downsc_coeffs[0] if (v_max <= dsc_v_split) else downsc_coeffs[1] if (downsc_coeffs is None): f_downscale = 0 else: (r0, a1, b1) = downsc_coeffs if (r_max < r0): f_downscale = 0 else: f_downscale = a1 * r_max + b1 f_downscale = round(f_downscale, 1) if (f_downscale <= f_downscale_threshold): f_downscale = 0 return f_downscale
[docs]def downscaleCycle(V, f_downscale, phases): '''Downscale just by scaling the 2 phases demarked by the 3 time-points with different factors, no recursion as implied by the specs. @see: Annex 1-7, p 64-68 ''' (t0, t1, t2) = phases ## Accelaration phase # ix_acc = np.arange(t0, t1 + 1) offset_acc = V[t0] acc_scaled = (1 - f_downscale) * (V[ix_acc] - offset_acc) + offset_acc assert acc_scaled[0] == V[t0], ('smooth-start: ', acc_scaled[0], V[t0]) ## Decelaration phase # ix_dec = np.arange(t1 + 1, t2 + 1) offset_dec = V[t2] f_corr = (acc_scaled[-1] - offset_dec) / (V[t1] - offset_dec) dec_scaled = f_corr * (V[ix_dec] - offset_dec) + offset_dec assert dec_scaled[-1] == V[t2], ('smooth-finish: ', dec_scaled[-1], V[t2]) scaled = np.hstack((acc_scaled, dec_scaled)) assert (1 - f_downscale) * abs(scaled[t1 - t0] - scaled[t1 - t0 + 1]) <= abs(V[t1] - V[t1 + 1]), \ ('smooth-tip: ', scaled[t1 - t0], scaled[t1 - t0 + 1], V[t1], V[t1 + 1]) V_DSC = np.hstack((V[:t0], scaled, V[t2 + 1:])) assert V.shape == V_DSC.shape, _shapes(V, V_DSC) return V_DSC
[docs]def calcEngineRevs_required(V, gear_ratios, n_idle, v_stopped_threshold): '''Calculates the required engine-revolutions to achieve target-velocity for all gears. :return: array: _N_GEARS: a (#gears X #velocity) float-array, eg. [3, 150] --> gear(3), time(150) :rtype: array: _GEARS: a (#gears X #velocity) int-array, eg. [3, 150] --> gear(3), time(150) @see: Annex 2-3.2, p 71 ''' assert V.ndim == 1, (V.shape, gear_ratios, n_idle) nG = len(gear_ratios) nV = len(V) _GEARS = np.tile(np.arange(0, nG, dtype='int8')+ 1, (nV, 1)).T assert _GEARS.shape == (nG, nV), (_GEARS.shape, gear_ratios, nV) _GEAR_RATIOS = np.tile(gear_ratios, (nV, 1)).T ## TODO: Prepend row for idle-gear in _N_GEARS _N_GEARS = np.tile(V, (nG, 1)) * _GEAR_RATIOS assert _GEARS.shape == _GEAR_RATIOS.shape == _N_GEARS.shape, _shapes(_GEARS, _GEAR_RATIOS, _N_GEARS, V) stopped_steps = (V == 0) ## (Annex 2-3.2 & Annex 2-4(a), p72) _N_GEARS [:, stopped_steps] = n_idle _GEARS [:, stopped_steps] = 0 return (_N_GEARS, _GEARS, _GEAR_RATIOS)
[docs]def possibleGears_byEngineRevs(V, A, _N_GEARS, ngears, n_idle, n_min_drive, n_min_gear2, n_max, v_stopped_threshold, driveability_issues): ''' Calculates the engine-revolutions limits for all gears and returns for which they are accepted. My interpratation for Gear2 ``n_min`` limit:: _____________ ______________ ///INVALID///| CLUTCHED | GEAR-2-OK EngineRevs(N): 0-----------------------+----------------------------> for Gear-2 | | +--> n_clutch_gear2 := n_idle + MAX( | | 0.15% * n_idle, | | 3% * n_range) | +---------> n_idle +-----------------> n_min_gear2 := 90% * n_idle :return: _GEARS_YES: possibibilty for all the gears on each cycle-step (eg: [0, 10] == True --> gear(1) is possible for t=10) :rtype: list(booleans, nGears x CycleSteps) @see: Annex 2-3.2, p 71 ''' ## Identify impossible-gears by n_MAX. # GEARS_YES_MAX = (_N_GEARS <= n_max) _GEARS_BAD = (~GEARS_YES_MAX).all(axis=0) addDriveabilityProblems(_GEARS_BAD, 'g%i: Revolutions too high!' % ngears, driveability_issues) ## Replace impossibles with max-gear & revs. # GEARS_YES_MAX[ngears - 1, _GEARS_BAD] = True _N_GEARS[ngears - 1, _GEARS_BAD] = n_max ## Identify impossible-gears by n_MIN. # ## TODO: Construct a matrix of n_min_drive for all gears, including exceptions for gears 1 & 2. # GEARS_YES_MIN = (_N_GEARS >= n_min_drive) GEARS_YES_MIN[0, :] = (_N_GEARS[0, :] >= n_idle) | (V <= v_stopped_threshold) # FIXME: move V==0 into own gear. ## NOTE: "interpratation" of specs for Gear-2 # and FIXME: NOVATIVE rule: "Clutching gear-2 only when Decelerating.". N_GEARS2 = _N_GEARS[1, :] GEARS_YES_MIN[1, :] = ((N_GEARS2 >= n_min_gear2) & (A <= 0)) | ((N_GEARS2 >= n_min_gear2) & (A > 0)) ## Revert impossibles to min-gear, n_min & clutched. # _GEARS_BAD = CLUTCH = (~GEARS_YES_MIN).all(axis=0) ## TODO: Clutch on gear2 (f=will be fixed when add also CLUTCH_GEARS) GEARS_YES_MIN[0, _GEARS_BAD] = True # Revert to min-gear. #addDriveabilityProblems(_GEARS_BAD, 'g1: Revolutions too low!', driveability_issues) _GEARS_YES = (GEARS_YES_MIN & GEARS_YES_MAX) return (_GEARS_YES, CLUTCH)
[docs]def calcPower_required(V, A, SLOPE, test_mass, f0, f1, f2, f_inertial): ''' @see: Annex 2-3.1, p 71 ''' gee = 9.81 VV = V * V VVV = VV * V assert V.shape == VV.shape == VVV.shape == A.shape, _shapes(V, VV, VVV, A) if SLOPE is None: P_REQ = ( f0 * V + f1 * VV + f2 * VVV + f_inertial * A * V * test_mass ) / 3600.0 else: assert V.shape == SLOPE.shape, _shapes(V, SLOPE) P_REQ = ( f0 * V * np.cos(SLOPE) + f1 * VV + f2 * VVV + f_inertial * A * V * test_mass + test_mass * np.sin(SLOPE) * gee * V ) / 3600.0 assert V.shape == P_REQ.shape, _shapes(V, P_REQ) return P_REQ
[docs]def calcPower_available(_N_GEARS, n_idle, n_rated, p_rated, load_curve, p_safety_margin): ''' @see: Annex 2-3.2, p 72 ''' _N_NORMS = (_N_GEARS - n_idle) / (n_rated - n_idle) _P_WOTS = np.interp(_N_NORMS, load_curve['n_norm'], load_curve['p_norm']) # When outside of load_curve, accept max-min gear. # from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # intrerp_f = interp1d(load_curve[0], load_curve[1], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, copy=False) # P_WOT = intrerp_f(_N_NORMS) _P_AVAILS = _P_WOTS * p_rated * p_safety_margin return (_P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS)
[docs]def possibleGears_byPower(_N_GEARS, P_REQ, n_idle, n_rated, p_rated, load_curve, p_safety_margin, driveability_issues): ''' @see: Annex 2-3.1 & 3.3, p 71 & 72 ''' (_P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS) = calcPower_available(_N_GEARS, n_idle, n_rated, p_rated, load_curve, p_safety_margin) assert _N_GEARS.shape == _P_AVAILS.shape, \ _shapes(P_REQ, _N_GEARS, _P_AVAILS) _GEARS_YES = _P_AVAILS >= P_REQ _GEARS_BAD = (~_GEARS_YES).all(axis=0) addDriveabilityProblems(_GEARS_BAD, 'Insufficient power!', driveability_issues) return (_GEARS_YES, _P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS)
def selectGears(_GEARS, _G_BY_N, _G_BY_P, driveability_issues): assert _G_BY_N.shape == _G_BY_P.shape, _shapes(_G_BY_N, _G_BY_P) assert _G_BY_N.dtype == _G_BY_P.dtype == 'bool', _dtypes(_G_BY_N, _G_BY_P) _GEARS_YES = _G_BY_N & _G_BY_P _GEARS[~_GEARS_YES] = -1 ## NOTE: Invalid gears will be smoothed-away in extra_rule(1). assert _G_BY_N.dtype == _G_BY_P.dtype == 'bool', _dtypes(_G_BY_N, _G_BY_P) GEARS = _GEARS.max(axis=0) return GEARS _escape_char = 128 _regex_gears2regex = re.compile(br'\\g(\d+)') PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3 if PY2: def dec_byte_repl(m): return chr(_escape_char + int( else: def dec_byte_repl(m): return bytes([_escape_char + int(])
[docs]def gearsregex(gearspattern): ''' :param gearspattern: regular-expression or substitution that escapes decimal-bytes written as: ``\g\d+`` with adding +128, eg:: \g124|\g7 --> unicode(128+124=252)|unicode(128+7=135) ''' assert isinstance(gearspattern, bytes), 'Not bytes: %s' % gearspattern # For python-2 to work with __future__.unicode_literals. regex = _regex_gears2regex.sub(dec_byte_repl, gearspattern) return re.compile(regex)
def np2bytes(NUMS): if (NUMS < 0).any() or (NUMS >= (256 - _escape_char)).any(): assert all(NUMS >= 0) and all(NUMS < (256 - _escape_char)), 'Outside byte-range: %s' % NUMS[(NUMS < 0) | (NUMS >= (256 - _escape_char))] return (NUMS + _escape_char).astype('uint8').tostring() def bytes2np(bytesarr): assert isinstance(bytesarr, bytes), 'Not bytes: %s' % bytesarr return np.fromstring(bytesarr, dtype='uint8') - _escape_char def assert_regexp_unmatched(regex, string, msg): assert not re.findall(regex, string), \ '%s: %s' % (msg, [(m.start(), for m in re.finditer(regex, string)]) #===================== # Driveability rules # #===================== def rule_checkSingletons(bV, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues, re_zeros): re_singletons = gearsregex(b'(\g0)')
[docs]def rule_a(bV, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues, re_zeros): """Rule (a): Clutch & set to 1st-gear before accelerating from standstill. Implemented with a regex, outside rules-loop: Also ensures gear-0 always followed by gear-1. NOTE: Rule(A) not inside x2 loop, and last to run. """ for m in re_zeros.finditer(bV): t_accel = m.end() # Exclude zeros at the end. if (t_accel == len(bV)): break GEARS[t_accel - 1:t_accel] = 1 CLUTCH[t_accel - 1:t_accel - 2] = True addDriveabilityMessage(t_accel-1, '(a: X-->0)', driveability_issues) assert_regexp_unmatched(b'\x00[^\x00\x01]', GEARS.astype('uint8').tostring(), 'Jumped gears from standstill')
[docs]def step_rule_b1(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule (b1): Do not skip gears while accelerating.""" if ((pg+1) < g and A[t-1] > 0): pg = pg+1 GEARS[t] = pg addDriveabilityMessage(t, '(b1: %i-->%i)' % (g, pg), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def step_rule_b2(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule (b2): Hold gears for at least 3sec when accelerating.""" if ((pg != GEARS[t-3:t-1]).any()): # A[t-1] > 0): NOTE: Not checking Accel on the final step of rule(b2)! #assert g > pg, 'Rule e & g missed downshift(%i: %i-->%i) in acceleration!'%(t, pg, g) if (g < pg): addDriveabilityMessage(t, 'Rule e or g missed downshift(%i: %i-->%i) in acceleration?'%(t, pg, g), driveability_issues) hold = False if (pg == GEARS[t-2] and (A[t-3:t-1] > 0).all()): hold = True; n = 2 elif (A[t-2] > 0): hold = True; n = 1 if (hold): GEARS[t] = pg addDriveabilityMessage(t, '(b2(%i): %i-->%i)' % (n, g, pg), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def step_rule_c1(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule (c1): Skip gears <3sec when decelerating. """ if ((pg != GEARS[t-3:t-1]).any() and (A[t-2:t] < 0).all()): pt = t - 2 while (pt >= t-3 and GEARS[pt] == pg): pt -= 1 ## Skip even further... # if (GEARS[t+1] < g): t += 1 g = GEARS[t] GEARS[pt+1:t] = g for tt in range(pt+1, t): addDriveabilityMessage(tt, '(c1: %i-->%i)' % (pg, g), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def rule_c2(bV, A, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues, re_zeros): """Rule (c2): Skip 1st-gear while decelerating to standstill. Implemented with a regex, outside rules-loop: Search for zeros in _reversed_ V & GEAR profiles, for as long Accel is negative. NOTE: Rule(c2) is the last rule to run. """ nV = len(bV) for m in re_zeros.finditer(bV[::-1]): t_stop = m.end() # Exclude zeros at the end. if (t_stop == nV): break t = nV - t_stop - 1 while (A[t] < 0 and GEARS[t] == 1): addDriveabilityMessage(t, '(c2: %i-->0)'% GEARS[t], driveability_issues) GEARS[t] = 0 CLUTCH[t] = False t -= 1
[docs]def step_rule_d(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule (d): Cancel shifts after peak velocity.""" if (A[t-2] > 0 and A[t-1] < 0 and GEARS[t-2] == pg): GEARS[t] = pg addDriveabilityMessage(t, '(d: %i-->%i)' % (g, pg), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def step_rule_e(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule (e): Cancel shifts lasting 5secs or less.""" if (pg > g): ## Travel back in time for 5secs. # pt = t-2 while (pt >= t-5 and GEARS[pt] == pg): pt -= 1 if (GEARS[pt] < pg): # NOTE: Apply rule(e) also for any LOWER initial/final gears (not just for i-1). GEARS[pt+1:t] = g for tt in range(pt+1, t): addDriveabilityMessage(tt, '(e: %i-->%i)' % (pg, g), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def step_rule_f(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule(f): Cancel 1sec downshifts (under certain circumstances).""" if (pg < g and GEARS[t-2] >= g): # NOTE: Nowhere to apply it since rule(b2) would have eliminated 1-sec shifts. Moved before rule(b)! # NOTE: Applying rule(f) also for i-2, i-3, ... signular-downshifts. # FIXME: Rule(f) implement further constraints. # NOTE: Rule(f): What if extra conditions unsatisfied? Allow shifting for 1 sec only?? GEARS[t-1] = min(g, GEARS[t-2]) addDriveabilityMessage(t-1, '(f: %i-->%i)' % (pg, g), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def step_rule_g(t, pg, g, V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues): """Rule(g): Cancel upshift during acceleration if later downshifted for at least 2sec.""" if (pg > g and (GEARS[t:t+2] == g).all() and (A[t-1:t+2] > 0).all()): ## Travel back in time for as long accelerating and same gear. # pt = t-2 while (GEARS[pt] == pg and A[pt] > 0): pt -= 1 GEARS[pt+1:t] = g for tt in range(pt+1, t): addDriveabilityMessage(tt, '(g: %i-->%i)' % (pg, g), driveability_issues) return True return False
[docs]def applyDriveabilityRules(V, A, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues): ''' @note: Modifies GEARS & CLUTCH. @see: Annex 2-4, p 72 ''' def apply_step_rules(rules, isStopOnFirstApplied): for t in t_range: if (GEARS[t-1] != GEARS[t]): ## All rules triggered by a gear-shift. for rule in rules: if (rule(t, GEARS[t-1], GEARS[t], V, A, GEARS, driveability_issues) and \ (isStopOnFirstApplied or GEARS[t-1] == GEARS[t])): break ## V --> byte-array to search by regex. # V = V.copy(); V[V > (255 - _escape_char)] = (255 - _escape_char) bV = np2bytes(V) re_zeros = gearsregex(br'\g0+') ## NOTE: Extra_rule(1): Smooth-away INVALID-GEARS. # for t in range(2, len(GEARS)): # Start from 2nd element to accomodate rule(e)'s backtracking. if (GEARS[t] < 0): GEARS[t] = GEARS[t-1] ## Loop X 2 driveability-rules. # t_range = range(5, len(GEARS)) # Start from 5th element to accomodate rule(e)'s backtracking. for _ in [0, 1]: apply_step_rules([step_rule_g, step_rule_f], False) # NOTE: Rule-order and first-to-apply flag unimportant. apply_step_rules([step_rule_e, step_rule_b1, step_rule_b2], False) # NOTE: Rule-order for b1 &b2 unimportant. apply_step_rules([step_rule_c1], False) rule_c2(bV, A, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues, re_zeros) rule_a(bV, GEARS, CLUTCH, driveability_issues, re_zeros)
[docs]def run_cycle(V, A, P_REQ, gear_ratios, n_idle, n_min_drive, n_rated, p_rated, load_curve, params): '''Calculates gears, clutch and actual-velocity for the cycle (V). Initial calculations happen on engine_revs for all gears, for all time-steps of the cycle (_N_GEARS array). Driveability-rules are applied afterwards on the selected gear-sequence, for all steps. :param V: the cycle, the velocity profile :param A: acceleration of the cycle (diff over V) in m/sec^2 :return: CLUTCH: a (1 X #velocity) bool-array, eg. [3, 150] --> gear(3), time(150) :rtype: array ''' ## A multimap to collect problems. # driveability_issues = np.empty_like(V, dtype='object') driveability_issues[:] = '' ## Read and calc model parameters. # n_range = (n_rated - n_idle) f_n_max = params.get('f_n_max', 1.2) n_max = n_idle + f_n_max * n_range if n_min_drive is None: f_n_min = params.get('f_n_min', 0.125) n_min_drive = n_idle + f_n_min * n_range f_n_min_gear2 = params.get('f_n_min_gear2', 0.9) n_min_gear2 = f_n_min_gear2 * n_idle f_n_clutch_gear2 = params.get('f_n_clutch_gear2', [1.15, 0.03]) n_clutch_gear2 = max(f_n_clutch_gear2[0] * n_idle, f_n_clutch_gear2[1] * n_range + n_idle) p_safety_margin = params.get('f_safety_margin', 0.9) v_stopped_threshold = params.get('v_stopped_threshold', 1) # Km/h (_N_GEARS, _GEARS, \ _GEAR_RATIOS) = calcEngineRevs_required(V, gear_ratios, n_idle, v_stopped_threshold) (_G_BY_N, CLUTCH) = possibleGears_byEngineRevs(V, A, _N_GEARS, len(gear_ratios), n_idle, n_min_drive, n_min_gear2, n_max, v_stopped_threshold, driveability_issues) (_G_BY_P, _P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS) = possibleGears_byPower(_N_GEARS, P_REQ, n_idle, n_rated, p_rated, load_curve, p_safety_margin, driveability_issues) assert _GEAR_RATIOS.shape == _N_GEARS.shape == _P_AVAILS.shape == _N_NORMS.shape, \ _shapes(_GEAR_RATIOS, _N_GEARS, _P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS) GEARS = selectGears(_GEARS, _G_BY_N, _G_BY_P, driveability_issues) CLUTCH[(GEARS == 2) & (_N_GEARS[1, :] < n_clutch_gear2)] = True assert V.shape == GEARS.shape, _shapes(V, GEARS) assert GEARS.shape == CLUTCH.shape == driveability_issues.shape, \ _shapes(GEARS, CLUTCH.shape, driveability_issues) assert 'i' == GEARS.dtype.kind, GEARS.dtype assert ((GEARS >= -1) & (GEARS <= len(gear_ratios))).all(), (min(GEARS), max(GEARS)) return GEARS, CLUTCH, _GEAR_RATIOS, _N_GEARS, _P_AVAILS, _N_NORMS, driveability_issues
if __name__ == '__main__': pass