1. Introduction

1.1. Overview

The calculator accepts as input the vehicle’s technical data, along with parameters for modifying the execution of the WLTC cycle, and it then spits-out the gear-shifts of the vehicle, the attained speed-profile, and any warnings. It does not calculate any CO2 emissions.

An “execution” or a “run” of an experiment is depicted in the following diagram:

           .---------------------.                         .----------------------------.
          ;     Input-Model     ;                         ;        Output-Model        ;
         ;---------------------;                         ;----------------------------;
        ; +--vehicle          ;     ____________        ; +---...                    ;
       ;  +--params          ;     |            |      ;  +--cycle_run:             ;
      ;       +--wltc_data  ;  ==> | Experiment | ==> ;      t  v_class gear ...   ;
     ;                     ;       |____________|    ;      --------------------  ;
    ;                     ;                         ;       00      0.0    1     ;
   ;                     ;                         ;        01      1.3    1    ;
  ;                     ;                         ;         02      5.5    1   ;
 ;                     ;                         ;          ...               ;
'---------------------'                         '----------------------------.

The Input & Output Data are instances of pandas-model, trees of strings and numbers, assembled with:

1.2. Quick-start

On Windows/OS X, it is recommended to use one of the following “scientific” python-distributions, as they already include the native libraries and can install without administrative priviledges:

Assuming you have a working python-environment, open a command-shell, (in Windows use cmd.exe BUT ensure python.exe is in its PATH), you can try the following commands:

$ pip install wltp --pre
$ wltp --winmenus                       ## Adds StartMenu-items, Windows only.

See: Install

$ wltp --version

$ wltp --help

See: Cmd-line usage

$ wltp --gui`                           ## For exploring model, but not ready yet.
$ wltp --excelrun                       ## Windows & OS X only

See: Excel usage

from wltp.experiment import Experiment

input_model = { ... }           ## See also "Python Usage" for model contents.
exp = Experiment(input_model)
output_model = exp.run()
print('Results: \n%s' % output_model['cycle_run'])

See: Python usage


The commands beginning with $, above, imply a Unix like operating system with a POSIX shell (Linux, OS X). Although the commands are simple and easy to translate in its Windows counterparts, it would be worthwile to install Cygwin to get the same environment on Windows. If you choose to do that, include also the following packages in the Cygwin‘s installation wizard:

* git, git-completion
* make, zip, unzip, bzip2
* openssh, curl, wget

But do not install/rely on cygwin’s outdated python environment.


To install python, you can try the free (as in beer) distribution Anaconda for Windows and OS X, or the totally free WinPython distribution, but only for Windows:

  • For Anaconda you may need to install project’s dependencies manually (see setup.py) using conda.

  • The most recent version of WinPython (python-3.4) although it has just changed maintainer, it remains a higly active project, and it can even compile native libraries using an installations of Visual Studio, if available (required for instance when upgrading numpy/scipy, pandas or matplotlib with pip).

    You must also Register your WinPython installation and add your installation into PATH (see Frequently Asked Questions). To register it, go to Start menu ‣ All Programs ‣ WinPython ‣ WinPython ControlPanel, and then Options ‣ Register Distribution .

1.3. Discussion